How many detectors should I buy?
Generally, one radon detector is sufficient to test an average home. The number of detectors needed will vary however, based on the type of structure being tested and how it is used. Not sure? Contact us by email to discuss.
What is included in the price of the detector?
The price includes:
cost of the detector, all laboratory fees and professional analysis.
Return mailing envelope with lab address (postage NOT paid)
Prices are in CDN.
Test results will be sent to the email address provided when you register your detector.
Is return shipping to the lab included?
No. We include a return mailing envelope, postage is not prepaid. Please use a trackable shipping service when returning your detector to the lab for analysis, this is necessary to confirm delivery.
What do I do when I receive the detector, what is the process?
The Radtrak and Rapidos Alpha Track detectors will arrive with their own unique instruction sheet, and return envelope.
When you are ready to start testing, remove the detector from the plastic wrap and place it where you want to test. Follow the instructions to register your detector with Note: the detector will stay in this location for the entire testing period.
When you have finished testing, log back in to and update your testing information.
Mail your detector to the lab. (please use a trackable shipping service)
When ready, your report will be available for download using your login at You will also receive a copy of your report to your email address.
Do the detecors expire?
Yes, each detector should be deployed before the expiry date on the plastic wrap.
Where is my detector number?
The detector number is the number located on the bottom of your detector. (xxxxxx-x)
Where should I place the detector in my home?
Place at least one test in the lowest area of the home used on a regular basis. For example, a family room, recreational room or bedroom. Health Canada recommends testing in the lowest lived-in level of your home where you spend more than four hours per day. Click here for additional do’s and don’ts.
Place the test kit on a shelf or table against an interior wall that is free from ventilation sources like vents or air returns.
Keep the test at least three feet away from all windows, doorways, and exterior walls. Placing the test in a draft or near a window introduces too much fresh air to accurately measure your indoor air levels.
Going in and out of the house won't hurt, but for short term measurements, keep windows closed during the test period for accurate readings.
Will the detector still be reading while it is being sent to the lab? Surely this will affect my results?
Our lab professionals use specialized algorithms to ensure accurate analysis based on the testing start and end date you provided online through RadOnline. The average radon picked up during transport is part of the calculation.
My Continuous Radon Monitor is measuring in Pci/l, how do I change it to bq/m3?
Factory default settings are in Pci/l, you can change the measurement to bq/m3 under your app settings.
Please send us an email if you are having any trouble
I didn’t receive my report yet, who do I contact?
Please allow time for your detector to arrive to the lab and track your package to confirm delivery.
Lab analysis processing time is 1-2 weeks.
Login to using your login credentials and check if your report is available for download.
Check your SPAM and JUNK email folders for an email from: OR
Still nothing? No problem, contact us by email we will followup with the lab for your report.